Photo Gallery

Over the past couple of weeks, I have created three websites.

  • Music website
  • Computer website
  • Camping website

This is my music website, which is primarily dedicated to a band. It features their songs, provides some information about them, and includes a map showcasing their world tour. This was the first website I created out of the three, and I didn’t invest much effort into it because it served as a testing ground for my HTML and CSS skills. The intention was to refine my abilities for the other two sites.

This site is about building and learning more about computers, making it my favorite among all of them. It stands out because it incorporates JavaScript and features a well-thought-out grid layout and color palette. However, it may not excel in terms of features, as most of the page comprises images.

This last site is for a camping site, which I love due to the well-thought-out grid. I invested significant time in ensuring its responsiveness on any device to maintain its visual appeal.